
In my new home.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bad day for Blackie

Mum found a big bubble on Blackie's ear.  It's a hemotoma (a Blood clot).   It had to be opened to drain the blood (Uck!).  The vet said it will leave his ear crinkled.  He's so handsome and vain.  I know he will feel awful about a crinkled ear.  Even worse he has to have a button on his ear.  The ear hurts.  He cries and cries and thinks Mum can fix it.  They'll take the button out in a week or so.  I feel sooooo sorry for him.  I'll try not to chase him anymore.  At least not until it heals....

It's been really chilly outside.  I stay in more and more.

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