
In my new home.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Mum says I HAVE to wear a collar.  She only likes some called "Beasties".  They are light and have a velcro clasp.  They're OK, but I look prettier without one,  She has to have  me tagged and licensed for town regs.  She can only have 5 cats, but we try to have 12 be in one place. But if we didn't they'd be dead. The regs require that that we must be under control.  She tells us every morning to not leave the yard.  HaHa!  I broke my collar but the woman who sells them was so nice to send me some more ASAP.

While in Texas at ny 50th high school reunion I got up on the neighbor's (he's a published author) garage roof.  Dad found me with the Loc8tor.  It took a day but I was so scared when the neighbor got on the roo that. I jumped the 18 foot .

Then I climbed up on the roof next door as I did before.  I WAS going to catch that squirle. Dad had to stack a bunch of things (a chair, a ladder and an old cat thingy for me to jump on for me to get down.) I really love being high.  I've been sleeping in Dad's top shelf in his closet because it's getting cold.