
In my new home.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18, 2014

It's sad but Hammond passed over the Rainbow Bridge May10. He was sooooo ill,but not in pain. He died peacefully at home and is buried under the cherry tree in front of the pet cemetery monument. He was still eating everything in sight the night before. At least he'll  not get any skinnier or have the terrible seizures. He would scream and growl during one. I've been told that he really wasn't in pain when he had them, but it sure sounded like he was. The first time he had one Mum thought he was chocking. She put her hand towards his mouth. He bit her finger all the way through.  She immediately took Amoxiccilin. It didn't get infected.

It was really for the best. He had extreme kidney disease. Mum sat with them much of the time he was dying. Sure thinks he was in a coma for a couple of hours.

Doc thinks he was close to 20 years old. When he first came here Mum found him ill and dirty sleeping in a mud puddle. He almost died from pneumonia several times, but Mum  would stay up all night nursing him back to health. He would often have psychogenic-alopecia. But he kept going.... When Doc talked to Mum he would ask if he was still alive.


  1. Oh, we didn't know Hammond, but we are sorry to learn he left fort he bridge. He evidently had a good life with you, despite his health problems. Sending purrs and tail wags from all of us and a hug from Jan.

    Um ... for some reason your blog has XL photos in the sidebar where they need to be small. We figure you're aware of it, but in case you aren't we thought we'd mention it.

  2. I can't figure out what to do about them. They were an accident.

  3. It's always so hard to lose a loved one. Our sympathies for your loss. Hammond had a good life with you, and we hope the many good memories he left will give you some comfort.
