Mum's back is really bad tonight. She weeded and vacuumed the floors. The pain has even made her throw-up, kinda like when I eat grass.
After the Blog ate my writings, I'll try to reconstruct....
Mum and Dad took him to a different vet (the one she used 40 some odd years ago with her 1st Abby, Samantha). Doc Garvin knows newer methods than her farm vet. The cost was alot higher, but he doesn't have a button. He drained and put a dressing on the ear. Doc also found a very bad ear infection but NO ear mites. Doc says it's very rare for him to treat ear hemotomas. My brothers have had 3 within 5 months..... Mum and Dad have had cats for some years 64 years without ever seeing one before. Bits didn't seem to have any trouble with the bandages or his meds, but came home for supper without the dressing.... Mum is very upset because the ear is already filling up with blood. They don't want to have to pay another $125.00....
So sorry Mum's back is bothering her. My back gets that way if I do too much. I'm so glad your brother got to go see Doc Garvin. I hope he feels better soon. There must be some nasty cat out there that likes to bite cat ears. If so, I bet his name is Tyson!