
In my new home.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bad Day for Blackie & Bird

It's been an unusual day.  We found bird feathers all over the bedroom.  We slept through its battle of death. Dad could not find its body.  He assumed it was eaten by Bits because they all knew he would eat his prey.  Dad found the poor little bird in his closet, so they  don't know who did it. Of course, whoever brought this gift can't be located.  It could have been me.  But, I didn't do it.

Then Mum found Blackie locked her closet.  He had been there all night.  He meowed this morning and she found him.  Bits wouldn't leave Mum's side after that.  But his nightmare was not finished. 

He was lying with his arm in an open drawer of the library table, when Mum closed it.  His  paw was caught in the drawer.  He screamed and screamed so loud that all the cats came running.  He ran like he was being tortured.  I chased some of the cats not knowing who was hurting him. I was sooooooooo fast.  He eventually let Mum touch him and forget She had hurt her.

Later in the day when I was taking a nap.  There was such yowling going on that it made me scared.  The center of the disturbance was a long hair torti female cat with no name.  She's been hanging around on the deck.  She wouldn't run as a feral cat.  (You know a wild one.)  Dad leaves cat food and left overs for all the ferals and the  "throw-a-way cats". Sometime the raccoons go thru the 2 cat doors, and come in the house.  But the screaming was wild, but no raccoons.  The other cats say I need not bother with them and they won't bother with me.  Here's what happened.  The She-Cat somehow got into the house and went crazy, climbing the windows and breaking things.  She broke Mum's Russian rooster and a glass, a window glass cat do-dad to hang on the window.  Mum finally let got her outside.  The house was in turmoil.  After that she climbed an outside window screen, putting holes in it.  Mum and Dad were quite angry.

I spent the rest of the day exploring. Remember, I sleep until Mum is up and around! She is very upset when I am out of site. I try to always come see her once in awhile.  But there's nothing else to write about tonight.

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