I've been too busy to write til now.
It's cold outside, so all we cats are pretty much staying inside.
The Big News here is that David and Tory are engaged to be married. But there's a big to-do about her having the wedding in Ashville, N.C.
Blackie's ear healed but it flops.... Now he has an ear infection. Other illness: Gary has an obsess from a cat fight that he probably started even tho he has no claws. Gary still pulls out his hair leaviing clumps all over the rugs. Mum calls it "psycogenic alopecea". Treatment says Prozac but Dr. Phil saws their isn't such a psycological condition. Mom's using Flower Essence, a soothing liquid in the water that tries to put calmness in a multi-cat house.
Mum's been n Texas seeing her father. From the ways she's acting not all is well, but she won't discuss it. She did say she had fun. Her brother covered the floor of the barn with dirt--several hours later Becky heard some crying. She had to pull the pour scared cat out from under the dirt and floor. They also have a one-eyed cat named Jack.
We've had some excitement. I was watching out into the dark deck and saw something.... Mum turned on the light and saw varmints--opposum and a racoon family eating on the deck. She took pictures, but you can't see that Poppy was out there too. They all seem to get along, but I don't think I want to get involved....
In my new home.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Bad day for Blackie
Mum found a big bubble on Blackie's ear. It's a hemotoma (a Blood clot). It had to be opened to drain the blood (Uck!). The vet said it will leave his ear crinkled. He's so handsome and vain. I know he will feel awful about a crinkled ear. Even worse he has to have a button on his ear. The ear hurts. He cries and cries and thinks Mum can fix it. They'll take the button out in a week or so. I feel sooooo sorry for him. I'll try not to chase him anymore. At least not until it heals....
It's been really chilly outside. I stay in more and more.
It's been really chilly outside. I stay in more and more.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
An Up and Down Week....
I'm soooo sorry that I've had no time to write. I've spent most of the time outside. Mum says I'm a "cat on a mision". Maybe it I am. I do know that I want to see everthing and explore the area around the house.
One morning we found Hammond so sick that we all thought he was dead. Mum watched him and when he wanted to get up, Mum and Dad put him in the plaid box whose door keeps you from wandering away. They left with him in the big green monster. He didn't even cry. When he returned he said that the huge vet had given him a shot. He said it really hurt. He says he tried to bite the vet, but he was restrained by the big guy. Then the vet gave him some pink stuff. He said that it wasn't bad. He told me, "I have a very bad kidney infection, but I feel better already." Every day he was told he had to have the pink stuff twice a day. By this morning he felt much better. He even tried to play with me, but I could run faster than he. Hammond has quite a history which I will relate another time. He is Dad's cat, even following him everywhere and wanting to be near him.
There is a wild cat, living outside. Mum thinks it is a female. Somehow she got into the house. She went crazy and tried to climb the walls, breaking some things including one of Mum's favorite gass cats. Still she sits and stares in the window. She is fluffy and might be a torti.
The nights have been cold. I don't like the cold. And it rained all day yesterday. I don't lke the rain either. Whenever a cat comes in wet, the cat is as called a "wet cat"
My cousin, Boxer, chased a dog out of his hmans yard. He just joined our other cats as dog chasers: Big grey, Samcat went after a very large dog; Bits used to terified some lttle yippy-apiny "weiner dog; Then Poppy chased a Jack Russell. These are brave cats!
I have so many things to write about.... But, I'm having a "nap attack'"
One morning we found Hammond so sick that we all thought he was dead. Mum watched him and when he wanted to get up, Mum and Dad put him in the plaid box whose door keeps you from wandering away. They left with him in the big green monster. He didn't even cry. When he returned he said that the huge vet had given him a shot. He said it really hurt. He says he tried to bite the vet, but he was restrained by the big guy. Then the vet gave him some pink stuff. He said that it wasn't bad. He told me, "I have a very bad kidney infection, but I feel better already." Every day he was told he had to have the pink stuff twice a day. By this morning he felt much better. He even tried to play with me, but I could run faster than he. Hammond has quite a history which I will relate another time. He is Dad's cat, even following him everywhere and wanting to be near him.
There is a wild cat, living outside. Mum thinks it is a female. Somehow she got into the house. She went crazy and tried to climb the walls, breaking some things including one of Mum's favorite gass cats. Still she sits and stares in the window. She is fluffy and might be a torti.
The nights have been cold. I don't like the cold. And it rained all day yesterday. I don't lke the rain either. Whenever a cat comes in wet, the cat is as called a "wet cat"
My cousin, Boxer, chased a dog out of his hmans yard. He just joined our other cats as dog chasers: Big grey, Samcat went after a very large dog; Bits used to terified some lttle yippy-apiny "weiner dog; Then Poppy chased a Jack Russell. These are brave cats!
I have so many things to write about.... But, I'm having a "nap attack'"
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Bad Day for Blackie & Bird
It's been an unusual day. We found bird feathers all over the bedroom. We slept through its battle of death. Dad could not find its body. He assumed it was eaten by Bits because they all knew he would eat his prey. Dad found the poor little bird in his closet, so they don't know who did it. Of course, whoever brought this gift can't be located. It could have been me. But, I didn't do it.
Then Mum found Blackie locked her closet. He had been there all night. He meowed this morning and she found him. Bits wouldn't leave Mum's side after that. But his nightmare was not finished.
He was lying with his arm in an open drawer of the library table, when Mum closed it. His paw was caught in the drawer. He screamed and screamed so loud that all the cats came running. He ran like he was being tortured. I chased some of the cats not knowing who was hurting him. I was sooooooooo fast. He eventually let Mum touch him and forget She had hurt her.
Later in the day when I was taking a nap. There was such yowling going on that it made me scared. The center of the disturbance was a long hair torti female cat with no name. She's been hanging around on the deck. She wouldn't run as a feral cat. (You know a wild one.) Dad leaves cat food and left overs for all the ferals and the "throw-a-way cats". Sometime the raccoons go thru the 2 cat doors, and come in the house. But the screaming was wild, but no raccoons. The other cats say I need not bother with them and they won't bother with me. Here's what happened. The She-Cat somehow got into the house and went crazy, climbing the windows and breaking things. She broke Mum's Russian rooster and a glass, a window glass cat do-dad to hang on the window. Mum finally let got her outside. The house was in turmoil. After that she climbed an outside window screen, putting holes in it. Mum and Dad were quite angry.
I spent the rest of the day exploring. Remember, I sleep until Mum is up and around! She is very upset when I am out of site. I try to always come see her once in awhile. But there's nothing else to write about tonight.
Then Mum found Blackie locked her closet. He had been there all night. He meowed this morning and she found him. Bits wouldn't leave Mum's side after that. But his nightmare was not finished.
He was lying with his arm in an open drawer of the library table, when Mum closed it. His paw was caught in the drawer. He screamed and screamed so loud that all the cats came running. He ran like he was being tortured. I chased some of the cats not knowing who was hurting him. I was sooooooooo fast. He eventually let Mum touch him and forget She had hurt her.
Later in the day when I was taking a nap. There was such yowling going on that it made me scared. The center of the disturbance was a long hair torti female cat with no name. She's been hanging around on the deck. She wouldn't run as a feral cat. (You know a wild one.) Dad leaves cat food and left overs for all the ferals and the "throw-a-way cats". Sometime the raccoons go thru the 2 cat doors, and come in the house. But the screaming was wild, but no raccoons. The other cats say I need not bother with them and they won't bother with me. Here's what happened. The She-Cat somehow got into the house and went crazy, climbing the windows and breaking things. She broke Mum's Russian rooster and a glass, a window glass cat do-dad to hang on the window. Mum finally let got her outside. The house was in turmoil. After that she climbed an outside window screen, putting holes in it. Mum and Dad were quite angry.
I spent the rest of the day exploring. Remember, I sleep until Mum is up and around! She is very upset when I am out of site. I try to always come see her once in awhile. But there's nothing else to write about tonight.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I have to write this again. Mum said I lost what I had written.
I have been staying outside as much as I can, except at night. (Scary) I pretty well know the area I live in. But Mum was so upset, so I started coming in the house to see if she was ok. One day it rained. And, Dad called me "Wet Cat". We have a writer of books (some on the Best Seller list) living next doors. He doesn't like cats. One day I was hiding under his lilac bush, when Poppy came across the alley. The man chased him away. Little Cat talks of when there no big fence Bits would go in their backyard their to find him tied to a clothes line. Their dog is a mini-daschhound. He would chase the poor thing and tease him. Now they have 2 and have the voice,yippy-yappy. Mum tells me that most our cats are bigger than they are. I bet I could have given them a lot of trouble. I did chase Blackie. She said dogs should be big, have a big bushy tail, their own ears, and go "Woof".
I am sleeping with Mum and Dad, but the bed is often so full of cats, what with Baggy (I call him handsome), Big Black, sometimes Littl Cat (her Highness), and etc. that I have trouble finding a place to sleep.
It's only a full size bed....Still I cuddle up in Mum's elbow or Dad's leg.
There are 4 black cats living here. I'll never so many cats that look and live differently from me. I've only been around Abyssian breeds.
Beddy-bye time as Dad says.
I have been staying outside as much as I can, except at night. (Scary) I pretty well know the area I live in. But Mum was so upset, so I started coming in the house to see if she was ok. One day it rained. And, Dad called me "Wet Cat". We have a writer of books (some on the Best Seller list) living next doors. He doesn't like cats. One day I was hiding under his lilac bush, when Poppy came across the alley. The man chased him away. Little Cat talks of when there no big fence Bits would go in their backyard their to find him tied to a clothes line. Their dog is a mini-daschhound. He would chase the poor thing and tease him. Now they have 2 and have the voice,yippy-yappy. Mum tells me that most our cats are bigger than they are. I bet I could have given them a lot of trouble. I did chase Blackie. She said dogs should be big, have a big bushy tail, their own ears, and go "Woof".
I am sleeping with Mum and Dad, but the bed is often so full of cats, what with Baggy (I call him handsome), Big Black, sometimes Littl Cat (her Highness), and etc. that I have trouble finding a place to sleep.
It's only a full size bed....Still I cuddle up in Mum's elbow or Dad's leg.
There are 4 black cats living here. I'll never so many cats that look and live differently from me. I've only been around Abyssian breeds.
Beddy-bye time as Dad says.
The Outside
I am soooooo happy to be here. None of the cats bother with me and I don't bother them.
I now know about the immediate area. I stay out side except at night (scary). There's so much learn. You know about big bad machines. I have to very careful and stay out of the streets. The next door neighbor doesn't like cats. I went over to sit under the lilac bush. He didn't see me. But Poppy started to come over from the area, and he came over and yelled. I was frightened. They have little dogs, called "mini-dachsound that yippy-yap whenever someone is outside. L'll cat told me that before they put up the high fence they would tie their dog to a clothes line for recreation Bits would go as close as he could to irritate and by chasing them.
I now know about the immediate area. I stay out side except at night (scary). There's so much learn. You know about big bad machines. I have to very careful and stay out of the streets. The next door neighbor doesn't like cats. I went over to sit under the lilac bush. He didn't see me. But Poppy started to come over from the area, and he came over and yelled. I was frightened. They have little dogs, called "mini-dachsound that yippy-yap whenever someone is outside. L'll cat told me that before they put up the high fence they would tie their dog to a clothes line for recreation Bits would go as close as he could to irritate and by chasing them.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I have had so much fun outside exploring. I think I've been all over the neighborhood. I now come when my name is called. Mum has been so concerned. She would yell and yell and ask where had I gone. She never followed me. She really becomes fanatic. I would be gone for hours at a time, but I always checked on her to see if she was still there. I sleep with her and Dad. I don't stay outside after dark.
Today I was outside doing my morning inspection of the garden and surrounding grounds, when water came out of the sky. I got all wet. I tried to hide under bushes but the water still reached me. When it stopped I ran to the deck door and Mum let me in. She called me "Wet Cat", and explained all that water was called "rain". I'll try to use my instincts to know when to stay in when the water falls, now that I've experienced it.
Later Dad called me "Bad Cat". I was up on the counter ready to jump to the top of the cabinets, when this glass of tea fell over, broke, and tea went everywhere. I realized something happened, but how did I know I'd hit it? Mum says all her Abyssinians broke things. She said , "It's the nature of the breed".
I've been meeting the other cats. There are sooooo many! Wow, how will I ever know their names, but I'm considered very intelligent (Altho Dad says I'm not any smarter than the rest....)
The cat fighting with Popeye is named Gary. He came here as an adult with no claws. (Why would some human do this torture and then throw him away." Blackie, the Big Bad Cat, came from a shelter where unwanted cats and kittens are taken. They say even dogs go there to hopefully find homes. He still has some bad habits, too nasty to put into print. Then there's Si Si Sung, a blue-eyed half Siamese. He told me he didn't get enough attention, and that Gary didn't either. Hammond is Dad's cat. He follows him everywhere, even sits on the shelf above his computer. He got into trouble a week or so ago. He was on Dad's keyboard and changed his settings. How mad he was! He said it cost him money. Hammond was called "Paper Plate" by a friend. Mom saw him sleeping in the mud by the house next door. Dad and her friend said that wasn't a cat. It was a paperplate. Mum insisted and found him. He is old and was very unkept. But the cat doctor (called a "vet") took care of him and made him better, altho to me he still looks ungroomed.
That's all for now....
Today I was outside doing my morning inspection of the garden and surrounding grounds, when water came out of the sky. I got all wet. I tried to hide under bushes but the water still reached me. When it stopped I ran to the deck door and Mum let me in. She called me "Wet Cat", and explained all that water was called "rain". I'll try to use my instincts to know when to stay in when the water falls, now that I've experienced it.
Later Dad called me "Bad Cat". I was up on the counter ready to jump to the top of the cabinets, when this glass of tea fell over, broke, and tea went everywhere. I realized something happened, but how did I know I'd hit it? Mum says all her Abyssinians broke things. She said , "It's the nature of the breed".
I've been meeting the other cats. There are sooooo many! Wow, how will I ever know their names, but I'm considered very intelligent (Altho Dad says I'm not any smarter than the rest....)
The cat fighting with Popeye is named Gary. He came here as an adult with no claws. (Why would some human do this torture and then throw him away." Blackie, the Big Bad Cat, came from a shelter where unwanted cats and kittens are taken. They say even dogs go there to hopefully find homes. He still has some bad habits, too nasty to put into print. Then there's Si Si Sung, a blue-eyed half Siamese. He told me he didn't get enough attention, and that Gary didn't either. Hammond is Dad's cat. He follows him everywhere, even sits on the shelf above his computer. He got into trouble a week or so ago. He was on Dad's keyboard and changed his settings. How mad he was! He said it cost him money. Hammond was called "Paper Plate" by a friend. Mom saw him sleeping in the mud by the house next door. Dad and her friend said that wasn't a cat. It was a paperplate. Mum insisted and found him. He is old and was very unkept. But the cat doctor (called a "vet") took care of him and made him better, altho to me he still looks ungroomed.
That's all for now....
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I have finally been allowed to go outside. Mum wasn't happy about the idea. I ran out a couple of times at night before I had "permission". Mum was so frantic. She even fell down an bruised her knee. But I knew I where I lived so I came in the big door when she opened it. Being allowed to go outsideis so strange for me. O course, given my history of running I think Mum thought it was best to alow me to know I could go out with her knowing. That way, she knew she wound'nt chase me and scare me. Boy, what an adventure, when she allowed me to go out unsupervised. All those new smells. I wandered all over. I did sit on her neighbor's porch. The man yelled at me. I ran, but Mum explained to him who I was. Of couse, feeling so liberated, I did it again. Another time I went 2 doors down, but ran when she saw me. I went on the deck and then discovered the garden. I love to be outside and wonder why she trusts me to be outside, but there are other cats who are allowed outside. She must really love me. What a new life I have! This is paradise!
more of the past
I stayed in that room for 4 more weeks. Dad was in there quite a lot working on a machine called a "computer". Mum slept with me every night. I had food, (but no more raw turkey), water, and a litter box. I've never seen so many toys....
Then once I escaped into the hallway between Mum's room (her office) and mine. I helped in a big fight between this huge (over 25 pounds) orange one-eyed cat called Poppy or Popeye and a large gray and white male with some splotches and stripes. They call him Gary. I knew the huge cat was at fault! Of course, I had to protect this Gary so I struck this Poppy on the rear. He's had quite the absess and infection since then. He's missing a 2-inch diameter patch of hair. Mum treated him with something called peroxide and Amoxcillin. He's better now, but I learned he was not at fault. It was Gary! The humans here call him "pugnasious." I think that means he provokes fights with other cats. I've seen them but I try to stay out so I won't claw the wrong one.
After awhile I was let into the main part of a very small house during the day and early evening. At bedtime (Dad calls it "beddy-by time") Mum and I stayed in my room at night. I was allowed any other time if someone was home. I found this high carpeted contraption I could climb to see all around. I discovered the very high (near the ceiling) cabinets that I could jump upon. I didn't break anything, like Mum said all her other Aby cats did.
There was a large plastic ball by a door. I was sooo curious. I would try to roll the ball away, but I was always, with a pointed finger, told "No".
After about a week, I was allowed in the main part with door uncovered so long as someone was there. There was a little door. I watched other cats go out that door and later come in again. Eventually, I figured out that I could go out that door into a huge funny looking room that had no furniture. What fun! But Mum and Dad argued about how she had blocked a door and no one could go in or out....
Then once I escaped into the hallway between Mum's room (her office) and mine. I helped in a big fight between this huge (over 25 pounds) orange one-eyed cat called Poppy or Popeye and a large gray and white male with some splotches and stripes. They call him Gary. I knew the huge cat was at fault! Of course, I had to protect this Gary so I struck this Poppy on the rear. He's had quite the absess and infection since then. He's missing a 2-inch diameter patch of hair. Mum treated him with something called peroxide and Amoxcillin. He's better now, but I learned he was not at fault. It was Gary! The humans here call him "pugnasious." I think that means he provokes fights with other cats. I've seen them but I try to stay out so I won't claw the wrong one.
After awhile I was let into the main part of a very small house during the day and early evening. At bedtime (Dad calls it "beddy-by time") Mum and I stayed in my room at night. I was allowed any other time if someone was home. I found this high carpeted contraption I could climb to see all around. I discovered the very high (near the ceiling) cabinets that I could jump upon. I didn't break anything, like Mum said all her other Aby cats did.
There was a large plastic ball by a door. I was sooo curious. I would try to roll the ball away, but I was always, with a pointed finger, told "No".
After about a week, I was allowed in the main part with door uncovered so long as someone was there. There was a little door. I watched other cats go out that door and later come in again. Eventually, I figured out that I could go out that door into a huge funny looking room that had no furniture. What fun! But Mum and Dad argued about how she had blocked a door and no one could go in or out....
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My First Days
I arrived in my new home on July 10, 2010. I was born July 7, 2007 in Louisville, KY. I guess, according to some cats in California that is my "adoptive-birthday". I lived in a cage for 3 years except 4 times. I was taken in a car to be "innoculated". That hurt. There were 2 other times I was taken to the same place (the other cats say a "vet"). Apparently., both times I had a "Caesarean Section.". They cut my abdomen. I came home drowsy with some kits who wanted fed even though my belly hurt. The first time my kits disappeared one day. I had been allowed to live in a room with them for 6 weeks. I escaped. Boy, were the humans mad! I had quite the adventure, but they caught me by using food in a strange cage. Of course they put me back in my cage. The second time after my freedom of 6 weeks with my kits, Mum came to get me and I was taken from the kits to go to a new home. I am the daughter of Grand Champion Rw Rulissa Lazarus Long and Champion Red Ferne Zalika of Rulissa. (an El Qahira line, a very famous cattery). Of course I handled it with dignity appropriate my lineage. They call me a "Rescue Cat", I guess because I was a "throw-a-way". I was very quiet in this little cloth cage for a long drive. I was petrified! When I arrived at this new place I stayed in the little cage for about an hour and then released into this room where there was a big soft comfortabl bed. She fed me some raw turkey like I was fed at the cattery, but she said from now on I couldn't have raw food, because of something, salmon????. I don;t think that it is a fish. I wouldn't let Mum touch me for 4 days. Then she learned about the cat "kiss". She would blin her eyes several times. When I felt comfortable also, I blinked back showing that I was beginning to trust her. She slept with me, she says to "bond". We had no problems until this big black evil-looking cat came in the room one night and was going to get on the bed by her. Of course, I attacked and chased him around the room. She went ballistic because she thought he was trying to kill me. He is 4 times my size. The screams were awful, but I protected my Mum from the devil....
My First Days
I was born July 2, 2007 in Louisville, KY. I come from a long line of Champions and Grand Champions. The most famous cattery is E-Qahira. I am a Red Abby. People tell me I look like a red fox or red squirel. At least the fur coloring. It's called ticking. I've never seen either animal, even when I ran, (they called me a "runner"). When Mum took me in the house I stayed in my tiny cage for awhile in a room. She set up my cat box, food, and water. I still had my super cat toy. She said it was shaped like an ice cream cone. It smelled so good, and it actually seems to make me feel happier and not so scared. She called me a "rescue Aby". I guess that's the name for a group that finds new homes for "throw-a-way" cats. She adopted me July 10, 2010. I guess that's my "adopta-birthday". I heard that term from some other cats who also talk about themselves. Miss E, Mum's best friend, send their writings to us. She fed me some raw turkey like I was fed at the Cattery, but she said it was bad to eat it raw. She used a term, "Samon somethin". I don't think it is fish. She said it could be a poison and I had to learn to eat other catfood like the other cats. Even though I was confined with Mum, I could smell the odors of other cats. Mum slept with me for 4 weeks. She is to me just like my mother, Champion Red Ferne Zalika of Rulissa. What a name! I think worse than my registered name. My father is Grand Champion Rulisssa Lazarus Long (a rudy). It took 4 days until I allowed her to touch me. She would blink at me several times a day. Then I blinked back showing herr that I was beginning to trust her. She locked me in that room and barricaded me from the hallway by a rocking chair, a rocking horse, and other stuff in case I ran out of the room like I really wanted to. Boy, did I have quite the fright. Apparently, a big cat named Blackie used to sleep on the bed in that room. He got in there and tried to get next to Mum. I had to protect her from that evil black cat, so I jumped him and chased him around the room. Mum was so frightened. She said she thought he was trying to kill me. He was 4 times my size, but I chased him out.
Who Am I?
My name is Abigail. I have a legal name of Rulissa Malena. Where I lived before they called me: Iddy Biddy. Since I had so little personal contact with the people there, I didn't know the name.
You see I am an Abyssinian Queen used for breeding at a cattery. There I was kept in a cage for most of my three years of life. I was out of the cage to have my 2 litters of kits by "Cesarean Section." At least that's what they called it.
I only remember waking up to kits and my sore belly. When the kits were 6 weeks old I would be locked in a room with them for another 6 weeks. Then the kits were gone and I was back in the cage. However, the first time I got out of the room I had quite an adventure outdoors. The people I lived with got sooooo mad. I refused to go back in the house for 3 days, but I got hungry and I was caught in a strange cage where they had placed food to catch me. So back to my regular cage.
No one really played with my kits or me. This time I left the kits and was put in this little cloth cage and taken in that thing called a "car". I'd been in one a few times before when I came home with kits, or had this woman stick me. That happened again the day before these 2 humans came to take me away.
I was terrified, but I didn't make any noise at all on this long ride here. And a whole new adventure I have...
You see I am an Abyssinian Queen used for breeding at a cattery. There I was kept in a cage for most of my three years of life. I was out of the cage to have my 2 litters of kits by "Cesarean Section." At least that's what they called it.
I only remember waking up to kits and my sore belly. When the kits were 6 weeks old I would be locked in a room with them for another 6 weeks. Then the kits were gone and I was back in the cage. However, the first time I got out of the room I had quite an adventure outdoors. The people I lived with got sooooo mad. I refused to go back in the house for 3 days, but I got hungry and I was caught in a strange cage where they had placed food to catch me. So back to my regular cage.
No one really played with my kits or me. This time I left the kits and was put in this little cloth cage and taken in that thing called a "car". I'd been in one a few times before when I came home with kits, or had this woman stick me. That happened again the day before these 2 humans came to take me away.
I was terrified, but I didn't make any noise at all on this long ride here. And a whole new adventure I have...
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